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Polly Hill Arboretum lecture and workshop
to Jun 27

Polly Hill Arboretum lecture and workshop

  • Polly Hill Arboretum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drawn to Plants lecture: Horticulture, scientific research, and art appreciation are connected by the portrayal of the beauty and diversity of plants. Historical and contemporary botanical art defines and delineates species and leads to an in-depth appreciation of the world of plants. Herbaria and public gardens provide resources that enhance the accuracy and artistic merit of the art. Botanical artist Bobbi Angell will discuss the relationship between art and science, highlighting her work as intertwined with a history of artists associated with the New York Botanical Garden and other institutions.

Capturing the Life of Plants workshop: Observing, dissecting, and sketching plants leads to an enhanced ability to identify, understand, and appreciate them. Visiting instructor Bobbi Angell is a Vermont-based botanical illustrator, who works closely with scientists from institutions like
the NY Botanical Garden and Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum. As an introduction to botanical art, participants in this one-day workshop will learn plant features and reproductive structures as they details, and botanical terminology will be explained. Participants will create a portrait that depicts a woody plant species in seasonal full flower at Polly Hill Arboretum, drawn as a pencil sketch that can be colored or inked in. We will look at herbarium specimens and other species for comparison to highlight the value of accurate observation. Bring pencils and erasers – all other materials will be provided.

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